Power Networking Business Series Joint Networking Event & Live TV Taping with the Basha Riddick Show A Huge Success!

Power Networking Business Series Joint Networking Event & Live TV Taping with the Basha Riddick Show A Huge Success!
On September 18, 2008 The Power Networking Business Series located at Powernetworkingseries.com presented a joint networking event with PATHWAYS TO LOVE & HEALING PRODUCTIONS. The Power Networking Series is a referral based business network online which offers membership and presents monthly networking event in or around NYC. Among the attendees Stanley J. Kalathara PC, City Council Candidate 25 District (Queens), Luis E. Castro New York Book Fair Expo representative, Phil Andrews, Host of Power Networking Series (Queens Resident), Basha Riddick, Host of Basha Riddick Show and Co-Organizer of VIP Social & Business Card Exchange, Georgia Woodbine, Products that Move You, Anthony Hibbert, Christproduction.org (Video Productions, Advertisements, Media Service, Promotions, and Internet, Morris Cordwell, Assistant Vice President Chase, Shahiydah Sanders, Account Executive Amsterdam News, Cyril Josh Barker, Amsterdam News, Kemar Cockburn, Moxybydesigns.com, Ageno, GuestPass® International Corporation (http://www.guestpass.com). Georgia Woodbine presented a special unveiling and launch of her exclusive affiliate program consisting of "Products that Move You" located at www.spiritualfocuspublishing.com
PATHWAYS TO LOVE & HEALING PRODUCTIONS was founded and is coordinated by Basha Riddick host of the Basha Riddick Show. WITH a show concept that is based on Love, Healing, Family, Entrepreneurship thru economic empower within our community. Weekly Basha interviews Celebs, Artist, Authors, Pastors, and Politicians.
As a Television Producer/ Host/Motivational Speaker and Community Activist, she produces a television show that can also be seen around the world in seven languages on the Internet www.Ivnet.tv, 24hours a day seven days a week one of the worlds largest server networks with an audience of 6 million unique viewers and growing. This mother & former advertising exec for Uniiworld, Avon, and Revlon also produces indie films & specials for cable television.
She is a modern day renaissance women who also works with Churches and Social Service agencies particularly those that help to empower women who are trying to make a new start in life. For the first time since Basha created her weekly talk show in May of 2006 in Brooklyn NY, she will be aired on Manhattan Time Warner &Cablevision with regular time slots starting September 23, 2008. You can catch the best of BASHA RIDDICK on CH56 09/23/2008 9:30 AM, CH 56 10/07/2008 9:30 AM 56 10/21/2008 9:30 AM, CH 56 11/04/2008 9:30 AM, 56 11/18/2008 9:30 AM, CH 56 12/02/20089:30 AM and CH 56 12/16/2008 9:30 AM.
Basha regularly scheduled show times are every Monday afternoon @ 2:30 PM on Time Warner & Cablevision Channel 67 & 35, 36. You can also tune her in on the internet @ www.bcat.com . The Basha Riddick Show is committed to revitalization of families starting with women 18-65 years old Giving them venues to restore family values. In addition to encouraging listening and supporting our men to grow and progress in their endeavors. Bringing together individuals, communities, companies and the general public, and civil servant sectors to enlighten, educate exchange ideas. Basha believes that information increases mutual awareness and we should develops strategies to deal with issues of race, cultural diversity, economic deficiently common respect thru our media grassroots outlets. Her shows are seeking to demystify heal and empower the perceptions and relationships between the communities...
September's VIP Social & Business Card was an innovative evening which featured a live taping for "TV with Phil Andrews & Basha Riddick. Talk show Host Basha Riddick stated "The event was a perfect opportunity for professionals to meet, greet, network and promote their businesses. The POWER NETWORKING Business Series will be presenting another VIP Social & Business Card Exchange during the month of October.
Georgia Woodbine
Spiritual Focus Publishing
To be placed on Email list for upcoming Power Networking Business Events you may email Phil Andrews at philandrews2001@yahoo.com or for more information on how to become a member of the Power Networking Business Series you may log on to www.powernetworkingseries.biz and click on membership link. You may also call 718.436.1079 or log on to the Basha Riddick Show at http://www.thebashariddickshow.4t.com/.